The project's various phases (demonstration, research and support (management, training, dissemination)) are defined by a number of work packages (WPs) which summarize the required actions needed to carry out the given phase.
The initiative's core element includes the simultaneous implementation of the small-scale geothermal pilot projects combined with energy efficiency measures at the three demo-sites. The work programme facilitates the parallel realisation and monitoring of these projects, thus allowing continuous comparison, information exchange and monitoring of progress.
Works will be managed and carried out locally supervised by the key technology project partners.
WP1 Coordination
WP2 Geothermal System Development
WP3 Retrofitting and Energy Efficiency Measures
WP4 System Integration
WP5 Technological Research
WP6 Socio-economic Research
WP7 Monitoring
WP8 Dissemination
WP9 Training
WP10 Mayors' Geothermal Club